Mombachstraße 12, 34127 Kassel ■ P.O. Box 101004, 34010 Kassel, Germany +49 1718935939

What a colorful day at Hessentag in Kassel

Hessentag is hosted in different parts of Hessen state in Germany from time to time. It happened to be the turn of Kassel this year. It was just like a day designed for this purpose. What a bright sunny day.The first Hessentag was held in 1961 for three days in the city of Alsfeld. The idea came from the Governor of Hessen at the time by name George-August Zinn. He wanted to unite or bring the Germans and the foreigners who lived in the state of Hessen together. The first Hessen Tag held in Kassel was in 1964. A lot of famous musicians and Bands display their talents and performances during this period.In celebrations like this, Edo community e.V Kassel as one of the unions in Kassel city will always represent her people. Our drum, attires and friendliness was respected among the Africans. The wonderful colors of admirations, the people and the different cultures were represented. These admirations started from Casablanca to Pretoria and from West Africa to Afghanistan were all represented. Asia was not left out.

This cultural warfare can be traced to the invitation given to all foreign national residing in Kassel and beyond. This invitation came from the council of foreigners (Ausläderbeirat) in Kassel city to organize so that the city and the foreigners can carry a banner of integration which is one of the aims of the council of foreigners.

The local television station wasted no time in having photos and broadcasting live on air of the arrival of Africans as our music was distinguished from the normal tone they normally hear. The council of foreigners was proud to have us and we were given recognition throughout the day. We received loud ovations all along and the tone of our drums was fantastic.

Thanks to all members of Edo community e.V Kassel, Africans and all other nationals who provided the ingredients to make this day a success.